Every journey begins with a single moment. In that moment, you are given a decision.
Which path should I take? Should I step forward or stay?
A choice that leads to other choices. The choice or step forward is a small stone on a path towards where your journey finds you now. Sometimes we make the choices and sometimes the decision is thrust upon us, but God uses every stone and step to glorify His name. He is the Author of each journey.
He alone is the reason I am here today. He is the reason I am going with Journey117 to India.
To Him be all the glory.
So where did my journey begin?
Summer Bible Camp 2006
This particular summer I came into camp full of insecurities, loneliness, and deep emptiness. My relationship with Christ and those around me was super messed up. At camp, God opened my eyes and heart to the reality of my sin and how His love and grace could cover all of it. During this week, I recommitted my life to Christ on the porch of a small chapel.
This is the moment where my journey began.
After recommitting my life to Christ, my life and attitude was 100% changed. I had a passion to know Christ more and to love others like He does. During that same camp, I was exposed to some awesome missionary teaching. At this particular camp, the missionaries talked about happened to be William Carey and Amy Carmichael, missionaries to India. Amy Carmichael's specific work with orphans and rescued temple girls really interested me. In fact, it was so interesting that I literally sat on the edge of my wooden pew every session!
I wanted to know more about what these people had been called by God to do. I asked question after question that week and my curiosity and interest could not be deterred.
Why am I all of a sudden interested in missions? What does God want me to do with this curiosity? What can a 13 year old girl really do? Does God really want me to possibly become a missionary? If so, is India where I should go?
These were just a few of the thoughts that ran through my head during camp. It was a tad scary to think about during that time. I wondered what my parents would think if I told them. I wondered if my various dreams and hopes for the future were going to be completely changed.
It was scary.
So, I pushed it into the back of my mind ...
Fast forward to Fall 2010
A lot had changed in 4 years. I had been baptized. I went to Mexico on a mission trip with my church. I had a desire to possibly do something medical with my future. I changed in a lots of ways but some things stayed the same.
I still loved Christ with all my heart and I still had a heart for reaching and loving the lost - Specifically in India!
I hadn't and couldn't forget that summer 4 years before. And now, I had medical goals that coincided with this desire to go overseas. My future was looking slightly clearer and I felt like I finally knew exactly how things would unfold.
But God was still preparing me for the future He had planned for me.
In my mind, the only other logical step to take was to actually go to India and see if God really wanted me to do this. God, however, had a different set of ideas that were (as always) a whole lot smarter and wiser than mine!
He has allowed me to wait.
He has given me time to know Him better. He has given me time to work through sinful "baggage" that would have hindered me from loving His people fully. He has given me a better idea of where He might have me serve. Most importantly, He has led me every stepping stone of my journey to this moment, this time, and this trip.
So why this trip? Why this team?
The ministry at Journey117 is orphan focused and for me, that is one of the ministries that I have a desire to serve in. Amy Carmichael's work in this area has encouraged and motivated me, but I want to see firsthand what God is doing and how I can glorify Him through my service of each and every orphan. Other than that, preparing for this trip has truly been stepping through one open door after another. I don't feel like I'm preparing for this trip selfishly, but rather trusting God to keep me in His will every step of the way. He can and will do that. I am so looking forward to working with such an amazing team. Even after only two conference calls, I am confident that God is going to do great things on this trip.
Super joyful and thankful for that - Praise Him!
This particular summer I came into camp full of insecurities, loneliness, and deep emptiness. My relationship with Christ and those around me was super messed up. At camp, God opened my eyes and heart to the reality of my sin and how His love and grace could cover all of it. During this week, I recommitted my life to Christ on the porch of a small chapel.
This is the moment where my journey began.
After recommitting my life to Christ, my life and attitude was 100% changed. I had a passion to know Christ more and to love others like He does. During that same camp, I was exposed to some awesome missionary teaching. At this particular camp, the missionaries talked about happened to be William Carey and Amy Carmichael, missionaries to India. Amy Carmichael's specific work with orphans and rescued temple girls really interested me. In fact, it was so interesting that I literally sat on the edge of my wooden pew every session!
I wanted to know more about what these people had been called by God to do. I asked question after question that week and my curiosity and interest could not be deterred.
Why am I all of a sudden interested in missions? What does God want me to do with this curiosity? What can a 13 year old girl really do? Does God really want me to possibly become a missionary? If so, is India where I should go?
These were just a few of the thoughts that ran through my head during camp. It was a tad scary to think about during that time. I wondered what my parents would think if I told them. I wondered if my various dreams and hopes for the future were going to be completely changed.
It was scary.
So, I pushed it into the back of my mind ...
Fast forward to Fall 2010
A lot had changed in 4 years. I had been baptized. I went to Mexico on a mission trip with my church. I had a desire to possibly do something medical with my future. I changed in a lots of ways but some things stayed the same.
I still loved Christ with all my heart and I still had a heart for reaching and loving the lost - Specifically in India!
I hadn't and couldn't forget that summer 4 years before. And now, I had medical goals that coincided with this desire to go overseas. My future was looking slightly clearer and I felt like I finally knew exactly how things would unfold.
But God was still preparing me for the future He had planned for me.
In my mind, the only other logical step to take was to actually go to India and see if God really wanted me to do this. God, however, had a different set of ideas that were (as always) a whole lot smarter and wiser than mine!
He has allowed me to wait.
He has given me time to know Him better. He has given me time to work through sinful "baggage" that would have hindered me from loving His people fully. He has given me a better idea of where He might have me serve. Most importantly, He has led me every stepping stone of my journey to this moment, this time, and this trip.
So why this trip? Why this team?
The ministry at Journey117 is orphan focused and for me, that is one of the ministries that I have a desire to serve in. Amy Carmichael's work in this area has encouraged and motivated me, but I want to see firsthand what God is doing and how I can glorify Him through my service of each and every orphan. Other than that, preparing for this trip has truly been stepping through one open door after another. I don't feel like I'm preparing for this trip selfishly, but rather trusting God to keep me in His will every step of the way. He can and will do that. I am so looking forward to working with such an amazing team. Even after only two conference calls, I am confident that God is going to do great things on this trip.
Super joyful and thankful for that - Praise Him!